For the last two months, we introduced hip-strengthening exercises, starting on the floor performing clamshells, followed with Monster Walks which strengthen the lateral hip muscles while standing. This month we want to finish off our series with an exercise that mimics real-life movements, the Superman.

The Superman exercise is used to strengthen the hips, primarily the glute medius muscle.  As we have learned in the past few Exercise of the Months, the glute muscles play an important role in stabilizing our hips and knees. This month’s exercise adds some challenge by adding the need for control and balance.



  • Maintain balance with your chest completely parallel to the floor for 10 seconds.

Joints Targeted

  • Primary joints targeted are the hips & knees

Primary Muscles Targeted

  • Glute medius
  • Glute minimus
  • Piriformis
  • Glute max
  • Hamstrings (Biceps Femoris)
  • Quads (Vastus Lateralis)

Starting Position

  • Start in a single leg stance with stable foot (3-point contact)


  1. Brace your core, spread your arms out to the side.
  2. Lower your chest forward over your stance leg while kicking your back leg behind you.
  3. Keep your trail leg completely straight and maintain a slight knee bend in stance leg. (Think of a straight line from shoulder – hip – knee – ankle)
  4. Ensure knee stays in alignment with your stable foot
  5. Hold end position for 10 seconds before returning to a standing position

Recommended sets and repetitions

  • 1-2 sets of 10 reps each leg


  1. Add sets and/or repetitions

Check out Monster Walks

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By James Linthorne

James Linthorne is a Bachelor of Physical Education graduate with a concentration in Active Living, Health and Well Being, and is certified with the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology as a Certified Exercise Physiologist. He specializes in working with runners to complete their first 10k or to qualify for the Boston Marathon. He enjoys working with a variety of clientele who have set goals for themselves and are driven to meet those goals by being challenged appropriately.