It’s easy to talk yourself out of exercising, especially when your schedule always seems busy.  Even when you have the best intentions, excusesbattle-ropes-300px are easy to find – “I’m too busy”, “I’m tired”, etc.  If getting active and staying healthy were easy, everyone would do it.  Whether it’s time management, stress or a busy schedule, the right attitude and a few tricks can help keep your fitness routine on track. Use these tips to stay in the game:

  1. Do it for yourself. Studies show that people who are “externally motivated”, that is, they hit the gym just to look good at a specific function, have a hard time sticking with it. Those who are “internally motivated”, meaning they exercise because they enjoy it, are the ones who are more likely to remain committed.
  2. Schedule it in advance. Once a week schedule your workout times into your calendar for the rest of the week. If it is part of your schedule, it is less likely you will skip it.
  3. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Stumbles and failures are going to happen. Keep going!
  4. Mix it up. Do different types of workouts to keep things interesting and to exercise different muscle groups.
  5. Bring a friend. It’s easier to bail out on the gym than on the friend who is meeting you there.
  6. Break up your workouts into shorter sessions. Health experts say you should aim for at least 150 minutes of cardio a week, plus resistance training at least twice a week. Sounds impossible? Try breaking up your sessions into 10- or 15-minute bursts.
  7. Live in the present. Leave the guilt in the past. Today is a new day to get back into your routine.
  8. Keep it real. Aim for something that’s realistic. Becoming overwhelmed often leads to giving up.
  9. Track it. Keep a fitness journal or use an app to record your progress.
  10. Make it Fun. Whatever you do, enjoy it!
  11. Celebrate. Set small goals and when you attain them, reward yourself with something that will make you feel happy and successful, like going out with friends or buying a new pair of shoes.
  12. Begin where you are, not where you want to be.

by Cindy Hunt

Cindy is certified with the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiologists as a Certified Personal Trainer.  She has a Bachelor of Arts degree and graduated with Honours from the NAIT Personal Fitness Training Program.  She holds numerous group fitness certifications.  Her passion lies in motivating others to get active and pursue a healthy lifestyle.  She has worked with athletes, dancers, aquafit participants, pre and post natal woman, older populations and anyone who is looking to reach their fitness goals.