Naturally, we will have a stronger leg or arm and a weaker side, which often gets masked in traditional bilateral movements. Unilateral lower body exercises are an excellent way to train your balance and coordination as well as your strength and mobility in full ranges of motion. The second progression in this series is the Single-Leg Box Squat. The benefit of the single-leg box squat is the ability to gradually increase the depth of your single-leg squat with a safety net while developing your leg strength throughout the full range of motion. Maintaining your core stability and controlling your lowering (eccentric) phase is key in this movement.


  • Working on balance and coordination while developing unilateral lower limb strength in a larger range of motion.

Equipment Needed:

  • box or bench, TRX (assisted variation)

Muscle Groups Targeted

  • Hip Extensors, Hip Flexors, Knee Extensors, Ankle Stabilizers

Starting Position

  • Standing upright approximately a foot from the box or bench, extend one leg out in front
  • Hands can either be straight out in front, holding onto a support or at your sides


  • While keeping your one leg extended out, break at the hip and knee, squatting down until your butt touches the box
  • Throughout the movement maintain an upright posture and neutral spine
  • Pause briefly on the box, refraining from using momentum, return to standing

Recommended sets and repetitions

  • 4 sets of 8 reps per leg

Regression/Progression Tips

  • Make the box higher to make it easier, lower the box to make the movement harder
  • For added difficulty, decrease your “touch” time on the box

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Check out Exercise #1

by Rachel Korpany

Rachel is a graduate from the University of Edinburgh with her Masters of Science in Strength and conditioning, she obtained her Bachelors of Physical Education graduate from the University of Alberta. She is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA with a strong background in Olympic Weightlifting.