Let’s admit it, losing weight is not a fun or quick task. We’re always told that this is such a simple concept; watch what you eat, exercise more and be patient. But is it really that easy?

Losing weight is something that takes a bit of planning and getting accustomed to. Here are a few things that you can do starting today that will help you effectively lose weight and manage the weight you have lost.

  1. Small changes add up to a big difference. Making small changes in your daily diet habits and exercise can go a long way toward a healthier lifestyle. This could include walking to work instead of driving, taking the stairs not the elevator, going for an evening walk after dinner or choosing to not have a snack while watching TV.
  2. Don’t lie to yourself. If you love peanut butter, you’re not going to cut it out of your life completely. Don’t set yourself up for goals that are unattainable. Instead, limit yourself to the amount that you have and the frequency that you have these treats.
  3. Be accountable for your weight loss with a food journal. Writing down what you eat in a day can allow you to reflect on areas of improvement. Don’t skip out on writing down what you’re having on the weekends. That’s cheating.
  4. Make smarter substitutions. Once a day, make the effort to choose a healthy snack over a less than ideal one. This could mean a piece of fruit instead of a granola bar or choosing a smaller portion rather than the larger one.
  5. Timing is everything. Pay attention to if you are actually hungry or if the clock is telling you that you’re hungry. Be conscientious of what you are eating right before bed, and whether you need a snack or you’re just bored.
  6. Choose smaller portions of treats. You can still enjoy food that tastes good, but be aware of how much you are having. Once you have had a serving, put it aside and don’t go back.
  7. Exercise your body and your mind. There is a huge mental component to weight loss. Keep your mind busy to stay away from the snacking. Try a new hobby to focus your attention elsewhere.
  8. Stop saying, “I’ll start tomorrow.” It’s tomorrow today! Get out of your chair and do something active.
  9. Find a workout buddy. Not only will you hold each other accountable, but having someone in your corner can make you brave to expand your fitness options and try a new exercise class together.
  10. Every step counts. If you’ve done something active today, you’re one step closer than you were yesterday!

Written by Becky Smith

Becky is a Certified Personal Trainer at MacEwan University Sport and Wellness. She specializes in group fitness, nutrition and water rehabilitation techniques.