Kristin_band-squat3Target Body Part: Quadricep muscle group, Glute Max, medius, minimus

Equipment needed: Dynaband

Performance points:

  • Tie the Dynaband aboved the knees and around both thighs.
  • There should be a moderate amount of resistance on your legs.
  • Step your feet hip width apart- it should feel like you are working against the dynaband.
  • Ensure there is equal weight  on both feet and most of the weight is close to the ball of the foot.
  • Start your squat by bending your knees and moving your hips backwards.
  • Try to stay upright- core should be active as if you were going to cough or sneeze.
  • Go down as far as is comfortable and then stand back up while maintaining the outside push against the dynaband.


  • Include this exercise as part of a lower body workout.
  • Complete 8-12 repetitions at an increased incline (Strength)/ 20+ repetitions (endurance).


  • Beginner: The exercise can be performed with the back against the wall or a fit ball- by leaning into the wall and/or ball you take some of the weight off of your lower extremity joints.
  • Advanced: Can hold dumbbells or complete the exercise on an unstable surface such as a bosu ball.

This exercise will help you build leg and knee strength and stability. 

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