Let me start by saying that I am a breakfast lover. Breakfast has always been my favourite meal by far.overnight-oatmeal Needless to say I was shocked as I began working in the fitness industry and started chatting with clients and realized how many people skip breakfast. I wondered why anyone would skip this most important and deliciously versatile meal of the day? My hope is after reading this article you will have some good options for breakfast that are quick, healthy and delicious and you will never turn back.

Try to include protein in your breakfast- this will help keep you full longer! Some examples include:

  • Natural Nut butter (almond, peanut, cashew etc…)
  • Eggs
  • Cottage cheese
  • Good quality Greek yogurt
  • Hemp hearts (can sprinkle on yogurt or smoothies)
  • Avocado

In Canada research has shown that not eating breakfast on a daily basis nearly doubled the risk of becoming overweight in 4.5 years.

Here are some wonderful recipes where you can do almost all of the prep the night before and then just grab and go!

Overnight Oats

  • 1/3 cup of large flake oats
  • ½ cup of almond milk
  • 2 tbsp natural nut butter
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 1 tsp of hemp harts
  • 2 tbsp of greek yogurt
  • Cinnamon for flavor
  • Honey 1 tsp
  • ½ banana chopped

Mix all ingredients in a small mason jar and mix thoroughly. Seal with the lid and refrigerate overnight. I can’t express how much I love these oats! The chia seeds expand in the water and become almost pudding like, it is like eating dessert for breakfast. There are tons of different variations of overnight oats as you can change up the toppings and add nuts, fruit, coconut etc…

Egg surprise

  • 2 Hard boiled eggs
  • ½ small avocado
  • 2 tbsp of salsa
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

Boil water in a small pot add eggs when water is boiling. Boil for at least 8-9 minutes. Transfer eggs to cold water for at least 10 minutes to cool (also allows the shell to peel off easier). Peel the eggs and place in a small reusable container, can mash or chop up eggs. Cut the avocado into pieces and add in with the eggs, top with salsa and seasoning to taste.