Squatting is seen as one of the most beneficial and fundamental movements in resistance training. As success in squatting is determined by the sum of efforts of the hip, knee, and ankle joints, it is crucial to identify and maintain strength and range of motion, so we don’t rely too heavily on certain joints more than others. Incline heel raises are a quick addition to your warm-up, maximizing your range of movement and getting you moving well. 

Equipment Needs

  • Chair of Bench

Muscle Groups Targeted

  • Plantar Aponeurosis, Plantar Intrinsic Muscles
  • Medial and Lateral Longitudinal Arch of foot

How to

  1. Sit on a hard chair or bench, at a height where the feet are resting comfortably on the ground.
  2. Place your foot on the opposite thigh and pull the toes and ankle back into a dorsiflexed position (pull towards the shin) until you feel a stretch in the arch.
  3. Confirm tension in the arch by touching the arch of the foot with your opposite hand.
  4. Hold as much tension in the arch as comfortable for the duration

Recommended sets and repetitions

  • 30-45 seconds per foot

Check out a previous tip – Manual Arch Stretch

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by Devin Clayton

Devin is a Bachelor of Physical Education graduate from the University of Alberta. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA and is an NCCP certified Weightlifting coach.