Are you tired of holding a plank or feeling that you need to progress your workout? The jackknife is the perfect core engaging exercise to add! In week 4 of our TRX series, we’ll focus on the TRX jackknife. The jackknife targets both the core and the upper body in a reverse crunch movement while maintaining similar muscle activation as a plank. Spice up your jackknife by adding an oblique move or keep it simple to give your workouts an added challenge!

Equipment Needs:

  • TRX Suspension Trainer

Muscle Groups Targeted:

  • Rectus abdominus, erector spinae, glutes, shoulders

Starting Position:

  • Start in a tall plank position with each foot in a strap; shoulders should be directly over the hands, which will be flat on the floor.


  • Engage your core to draw both knees into the chest. Extend the legs back to a tall plank position and begin again. The key to this movement is keeping your core engaged throughout the tuck, so you get full muscle activation.

Recommended Sets and Reps:

  • Three sets of 8-10 reps


  • To progress the move, use only one foot in the TRX strap or do an oblique crunch moving both knees to one side, making sure to alternate sides.

Check out the previous tip in this series TRX Hip Dip

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By Meagan Stewart
Meagan is an exercise specialist with MacEwan University Sport and Wellness. She is a CSEP-CEP clinical exercise physiologist with a Master of Kinesiology from the University of Calgary.