The Overhead Squat is part of a series of exercises for Olympic Weightlifting.

Target Body Part: Lower Body

  • Primary Muscles: Gluteus Maximum, Quadriceps, Gastrocnemius, Deltoids, Latissimus Dorsi
  • Secondary Muscles: Abdominals, Erector Spinae, Hamstrings, Triceps

Equipment Needed: Barbell or Dowel

Performance Points:

  • Set feet for squat between hip width and shoulder width apart. Toes pointed straight forward or slightly outwards.
  • Grip bar using a hook grip (thumb under finger) at a width that will allow the bar to rest 6-8 inches above the head.
  • Keep arms locked out and keep an active upper back to stabilize the bar.
  • Bar should remain overhead and in line with back of head.

IMPORTANT: Keep abdominals engaged throughout the workout, supporting the low back

Reps/Sets: Complete 3-5 sets of 5-8 repetitions with a bar or dowelSquat-2

  • Should be done to improve squat technique/ range of motion or as a part of warm up.

Modifications: Variations in weight or modify foot position.

  • Beginner: Move slowly through the range of motion and try to improve depth with each squat using a dowel overhead.
  • Advanced: Use a barbell and advance weights.

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