Want to get strong? Of course you do! That’s why you should try this month’s featured exercise: Romanian Deadlifts, part of Jer-Deadlift-1our Olympic Weightlifting training series.

Target Body Part: Lower Body

  • Primary Muscles: Hamstrings, Gluteus Maximus, Erector Spinae
  • Secondary Muscles: Latissimus Dorsi, (Mid) Trapezius, abdominals, gastrocnemius

Equipment Needed: Barbell or Dumbbells

Performance Points:

  • Starting at the top of a deadlift position with feet directly under hips. Stand with toes pointed forward holding weight Jer-Deadlift-2close to body.
  • Begin movement by shifting weight slightly more into the heels and push butt back as you hinge at the waist keeping legs straight, but not locked.
  • Throughout the movement ensure a flat back as you lower your body till it is parallel with the floor. If flexibility is an issue, keep light weight and slowly progress to the full range of motion.
  • Keep barbell or dumbbells close to body throughout the entire movement.IMPORTANT: Keep abdominals engaged throughout the workout, supporting the low back

Reps/Sets: Complete 2-3 sets of 6-10 repetitions.

  • Focus on achieving a full range of motion before increasing weight.

Modifications: Variations in weight or single leg

  • Beginner: Start by doing movement with body weight only and progress to barbell
  • Advanced: Increase the weight on the bar.

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