Each year the Local Authorities Pension Plan (LAPP) reviews the financial health of the plan through an actuarial valuation. Depending on market conditions and other components of the actuarial valuation, member and employer contribution rates are adjusted from time to time.
LAPP has announced that contribution rates will be maintained for employers and members on pensionable earnings up to the YMPE* and reduced for contribution rates on pensionable earnings above the YMPE.
Contribution rates for 2023 will be the following:
Members’ rate up to YMPE: 7.45%
Members’ rate over YMPE: 11.23%
Employers’ rate up to YMPE : 8.45%
Employers’ rate over YMPE: 12.23%
*YMPE means the Year’s Maximum Pensionable Earnings level determined by the Canada Pension Plan annually. The 2023 YMPE is $66,600.
Additional information about LAPP contribution rates can be found on the LAPP website.
From Human Resources
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