Friday, September 30 marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – a day to honour and acknowledge the important work of reconciliation. We encourage those who wish to spend the day with their community to take the time they need. There will be no classes on September 30, but we remain open as a university to provide a space for education, reflection and action.
Providing educational opportunities, rather than closing the university entirely, was a carefully considered decision made by the university’s General Faculties Council in consultation with university leadership, including leaders from the kihêw waciston Indigenous Centre. The determination was that, as a post-secondary institution, MacEwan has a responsibility to facilitate education on critical issues.
I hope you will take the opportunity to participate in events across campus or access the many kihêw waciston online resources. The kihêw waciston Indigenous Centre will be closed in order to allow staff to participate in wellness activities and join their communities. I encourage you to wear your Orange Shirt, and campus will be lit up orange as a visible symbol of our recognition of the harm caused by the residential school system and our support for survivors.
Dr. Annette Trimbee
President and Vice-Chancellor
Originally distributed by GlobalMail on September 26
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