Although there is no “easy button” to convert courses from Blackboard to Moodle, the paskwâwi-mostos mêskanâs project team has worked with a vendor to develop a course conversion process for faculty who would like assistance. The process was presented to Provost’s Group for feedback and approved by Deans’ Council.

Conversion of Faculty Courses
In May, the project team will begin conversion of available, undergraduate Blackboard courses offered in Spring/Summer 2021, Fall 2021, and Winter 2022 terms. A second conversion will capture Spring/Summer 2022 Blackboard courses.

If your course was offered in any of the above terms and you would like your course converted, check this list of available, undergraduate courses to see if your course is listed. If it is not on the list, follow these instructions to ensure your course is available for conversion.

If your Blackboard course was taught prior to Spring/Summer 2021 or is not an undergraduate courses (e.g. template or resource course), complete this form to have your course converted.

Here is a flow chart to help you determine the action to take by May 1, 2022.

If faculty miss the May 1 deadline, there will be a second conversion in summer 2022 and more information will be available in June.

Once courses have been converted, faculty will receive an email indicating their course is ready for review in an interim staging area with instructions on how to confirm whether they would like to use the course in mêskanâs.

The Centre for Teaching and Learning has developed training and resources to help faculty. It is recommended that faculty take mêskanâs training so they have the knowledge and skills required to review courses and make any revisions.

If you have any questions, please contact

From the Centre for Teaching and Learning