At the beginning of the term, one of the first things you should do is organize your gradebook in mêskanâs. It is definitely better to organize Gradebook sooner than later.

Here are some pointers:

The mêskanâs Gradebook doesn’t work like Blackboard Grade Center. In mêskanâs, you have to prepare “folders” (called categories) in the gradebook and then designate a course weighting for each category.

After you’ve prepared your categories in the gradebook, the rest is easy. As you create quizzes or assignments through the term, you simply have to designate which category you want that particular quiz or assignment to be part of. mêskanâs takes care of the rest—student grades will be transferred, filed and weighted automatically. At the end of the term, there is no extra work to be done. Simply go to the gradebook and transfer your students’ letter grades to PeopleSoft.

If you’re the type of person who prefers to spend two minutes to save half an hour of clicking (depending on the size of your class), you can download your grades into Excel so that everything can be displayed in an efficient, easy-to-read spreadsheet. This will make transferring your grades to PeopleSoft easier and more efficient.

Or… you could put off organizing your gradebook until the end of the term and then organize that dog’s breakfast (for the first time…?) with a term’s worth of live data. Doesn’t that sound like a carefree, relaxing way to spend an afternoon after you’ve just graded dozens of exams?

Maybe try the first option instead.

When you’re ready to get started, here are two resources you should definitely consult:

From the Centre for Teaching and Learning