In this week’s tips and updates, we talk about pre-recording materials for class, linking one video to multiple courses, making sure your videos are accessible, and eLearning professional development videos.

Q: Should I pre-record materials for my class?

There are lots of reasons why you might want to pre-record materials for your class, including taking time to practice the presentation, doing some minor editing on the piece, or just finding the right time in your schedule. To learn a bit more about pre-recording materials for your class, check out this handy infographic.

Q: Can I link one Kaltura recording into multiple courses?

Absolutely. Kaltura is a streaming media solution that lets you share your video files into whatever courses you want from one convenient spot. Heck, you could even share them publicly if you wanted to. To learn more about Kaltura and linking videos to multiple courses, watch this video.

Q: I want to make sure my videos are accessible. How do I add closed captioning to my Kaltura video?

Accessibility should always be part of the equation when you are creating teaching and learning materials, and that includes closed captioning for videos. Watch this two-minute video on how to order captioning for your Kaltura video.

Just a reminder that there is an eLearning Professional Development series of videos now available online, covering topics such as Online Learning Design Principles, Supporting Student with Tech Issues and Why Should I Care about Streaming Media? Watch them all here.

From the eLearning Office