
Volunteer with CHARM.

Are you passionate about harm reduction? Are you looking for a way to get involved on campus? Join CHARM’s volunteer events and activities!


Student Representatives

CHARM values the student voice and the unique perspective students have related to the needs and wants of fellow post-secondary students. Having Student Member positions involved with CHARM is essential for the success of programming and meeting the needs of our campus. Student Members have an equal seat at the CHARM table, thus giving students a direct opportunity to make a positive impact for our campus community. 


    • Complete Orientation training
    • Attend monthly meetings
    • Active participation in voting, planning, implementation, and other CHARM related activities
    • Participate in initiatives
    • Advocate for student needs and wants
    • Approximately ~20 hours throughout academic year


    • Student Experience Record 
    • Reference letter
    • Make a positive impact among peers
    • Gain public speaking, leadership, and event planning experience

Application Process:

    • Complete the Application Form 
    • Candidates will complete an interview process
    • Recruiting up to 3 student representatives


Events and Activities Volunteers

Student volunteers are essential for CHARM programming. Throughout the academic year, CHARM hosts educational table displays, social connection events, workshops and resource fairs that student volunteers assist with the planning, implementation and evaluation of each activity.


    • Complete mandatory training
    • Contribute to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of CHARM activities, initiatives, and programming
      1. Examples include table displays, connections events, wellness stations, workshops, webinars, etc.
    • Collaborate with campus and community members
    • Commit to approximately 10-20 hours throughout the academic year
    • Track volunteer hours


    • Student Experience Record 
    • Reference letter
    • Make a positive impact among peers
    • Gain public speaking, leadership, and event planning experience

Application Process:

  • Complete the Application Form
  • Candidates will complete an interview process
  • 10 student volunteers will be selected per academic year


Student Advisory Committee

The student voice is essential for CHARM programming. In addition to Student Representative members, CHARM seeks feedback from the broader MacEwan University student body through open advisory committee meetings.

Students are asked to attend 2 advisory meetings a year to discuss campus harm reduction programming for the academic year. 


    • Complete mandatory orientation training
    • Attend the Advisory Meetings (2 hours, occurring in September and January)


    • Student Experience Record 
    • Make a positive impact among peers
    • Build connections with other like minded people on campus

Application Process:

  • Complete the Application Form
  • Candidates will be contacted 
  • 15 student openings per meeting