Construction continues on 107 Street between 102 Avenue and 104 Avenue.

On or around February 6, 2025, Marigold Infrastructure Parnter crews will shift construction from the east side of 107 Street to the west side of the road and begin drainage work, roadwork and construction of NorQuest stop.

To accommodate this, on 107 Street, traffic between 103 Avenue and 104 Avenue has been permanently reduced to a single northbound lane. Between 102 Avenue and 103 Avenue, one northbound lane will be reopened, and one dedicated Fire Lane will be maintained. This change is permanent.

To facilitate construction, motorists can expect lane reductions and/or lane shifts near 107 Street on 104 Avenue, 103 Avenue, and 102 Avenue. Pedestrian access will be maintained; however, detours will be implemented. Please follow project wayfinding signage. This work will be performed during daytime hours (7 a.m. – 9 p.m. Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sundays), and is expected to last until Fall 2025.

To accommodate this work, the public will be impacted in the following areas:


  • Traffic on 107 Street between 103 Avenue and 104 Avenue has been permanently reduced to a single northbound lane.
  • One northbound lane of traffic on 107 Street between 102 Avenue and 103 Avenue will be reopened.
  • One dedicated Fire Lane will be maintained on 107 Street between 102 Avenue and 103 Avenue.
  • Motorists can expect lane reductions and/or lane shifts near 107 Street on 104 Avenue, 103 Avenue, and 102 Avenue.
  • Street parking on 107 Street between 102 Avenue and 104 Avenue is permanently banned.


  • Pedestrian access will be maintained; however, detours will be in place. Please follow project wayfinding signage.

Other impacts for all phases:

  • Construction work will occur during daytime hours (7 a.m. – 9 p.m. Monday –
    Saturday, 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sunday).
  • Access to businesses and residences on 107 Street will be maintained.
  • There will be noise associated with this work. Every effort will be made to
    reduce the impact to the public.
  • This work is expected to last until Fall 2025.

From Facilities