The HSE team cares about your well-being; that’s why we are excited to launch our Ergonomics Awareness Training — your first step toward a healthier, more comfortable workspace!

You can reduce strain, prevent injuries and feel better throughout your workday with just a few simple adjustments. It’s time to say farewell to discomfort and hello to a happier, healthier workday!

Why should you register for the Ergonomics Awareness Training

  • Feel better: Learn how to optimize your workstation for comfort and health.
  • Prevent pain: Discover key habits to prevent strain and long-term injuries.
  • Easy to follow: Complete the Workstation Self-Assessment Form and implement simple tips to make your workday more comfortable.

Self-enroll for the training today and learn how simple adjustments can lead to a more efficient and pain-free workday!

To enrol, follow the path: paskwâwi-mostos mêskanâs > Home > Courses > Health, Safety and Environment > Student and Employee Training > HSE 0824 Ergonomics Awareness Training > Enrol Me

Your body will thank you!

From the Office of Health, Safety and Environment