This year’s Consent Action Week (October 7-11) features two art-based events that students, alumni, staff and faculty can submit their work to.

On October 10 from 3-5 p.m., there will be a live storytelling event on the theme of Consent and Radical Love at Towers Pub. The call for submissions is now open and writers can view the guidelines and submit their work here to perform at the event.

Throughout the week, artwork will also be displayed at Reclaiming Power: The Art of Radical Love and Self Expression Gallery. The gallery accepts art from all different mediums, including but not limited to painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, fashion, recorded music or spoken word, cartoons, and short stories. You can read the guidelines and apply to have your work in the gallery here.

Stay tuned for the full schedule of events for the week! In the meantime, please spread these calls for submission widely!

From the Office of Sexual Violence Education, Prevention and Response