Two sessions: May 7, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and May 8, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. (follow-up session)

Join Geneve Champoux, Educational Developer, for a full-morning session on Tuesday, May 7, where faculty are invited to consider how the availability of AI is impacting their assessments and then engage in hands-on activities to redesign a course assignment of their choice so that it better accounts for AI use, whether that be to support responsible use of AI tools or to redesign the assessment to ensure that students cannot rely on AI to demonstrate their required learning outcomes.

On the following day, faculty will have an opportunity to get further feedback on their assessment revisions for the upcoming academic year. No registration is required for the May 8 follow-up session. Faculty who cannot make it to the drop-in session may contact Geneve Champoux for a one-on-one consultation.

Go to the Centre for Teaching and Learning Program Schedule for more information about the full-morning session and to register.

From the Centre for Teaching and Learning