Join us in welcoming Peruvian-American academic and creative writer Margarita Saona who will read new and published work.

Date: Tuesday, March 12
Time: 3:30 to 4:50 p.m.
Room: 6-256

Margarita Saona teaches at the University of Illinois, Chicago. She is interested in issues of memory, cognition, empathy and representation in literature and the arts. Her books include Memory Matters in Transitional Perú (2014), and Despadre: masculinidades, travestismos y ficciones de la ley en la literatura peruana (2021). Her short stories have been collected under the title La ciudad en que no estás (2020), published in English translation by Laberinto Press as The Ghost of You (2023). Her latest book is an essay on medical interventions which will soon appear in translation as Of Monsters and Cyborgs.


From the Department of English