With World Mental Health Day coming up in October,  MacEwan has several opportunities available to support staff and faculty wellness. We hope you will take some time to explore these options and take advantage of the opportunities that are right for you and your family.

1. The Emotional Cost of Financial Stress: A webinar to help with your mental and financial well-being

Do you experience financial stress or know someone who does? Are you interested in preventing it or supporting someone who’s going through it? Then join us for The Emotional Cost of Financial Stress – a live, interactive public webinar on Tuesday, Oct. 10. You will learn how to manage financial stress and maintain well-being.

Mary Ann Baynton, Director of Collaboration and Strategy with Workplace Strategies for Mental Health and members of Canada Life’s Well-being and Education teams will share practical tips, insights, tools and resources to cope with and prevent financial stress at all stages of life. It will explore your thoughts and emotions when you’re:

  • Getting started on your journey to become financially independent.
  • Getting serious about your financial future and exploring tuition, mortgages and investing.
  • Getting closer to financial independence in retirement.

This webinar is available in English, with French interpretation, slides and resource links.

 When? Invite your colleagues, friends, and family to join us on Tuesday, Oct. 10, at 1 p.m. ET. (11 a.m. MST)

Register here: Click here for the event details and to add it to your calendar.


2. MacEwan Well-Being Fair

To launch the Well-Being at MacEwan Program a Well-Being Fair will be held on Thursday, October 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the University Service Centre (6th floor, Building 10). Join us for information on programs and opportunities at MacEwan to support your well-being. There will be fun, food, and prizes! 


3. Contest- Would you like to take charge of your health and have a chance to win cash prizes?

Health Connected is Canada Life’s health and wellness website. It’s a great resource to learn about your health and take steps to improve it. You can do health assessments, challenges and get help from a digital health coach. It also has a Health Library, where you can find reliable articles on diseases, drugs and natural health products.

Enter the Health Connected contest! You could win one of three grand cash prizes: $7,000, $4,000 or $2,000. There are also 15 secondary prizes of $1,000 each. That’s a total of $28,000 to be won!

Get up to three contest entries when you:

    • Sign in to mycanadalifeatwork.com, then create an account on Health Connected and agree to the contest
    • Complete the health risk assessment during the contest period
    • Use the Health Library one time during the contest period

The contest runs until December 31. Get started today!

To access Health Connected, sign in to mycanadalifeatwork.com, find Resources on the left-hand menu, then click Wellness.


4.    TELUS Health platform 

Don’t forget that MacEwan’s Employee and Family Assistance Program now includes access to the TELUS Health (formerly LifeWorks) website and mobile app. This comprehensive tool is available to employees and their families and provides access to tools and resources to help improve mental and physical health and wellness at work and at home. You can even use this site to connect directly with experts and counsellors 24/7, 365 days a year to help deal with issues related to family, health, life, money and work.

User Name: MacEwan
Password: Wellbeing


5.   Headversity

MacEwan employees and students now have access to an innovative personal tool, Headversity. Headversity is a mobile app that is designed to help anyone think, feel and be better both personally and professionally. Think of having a personalized, anonymous resilience trainer in your pocket!

Headversity has something for everyone … whether you’re feeling stressed or depressed, having trouble focusing, working on building your personal brand or looking at effectively managing your overall mental well-being and emotions.

Using Headversity is easy and gets results – more than 95 per cent of MacEwan Headversity users reported that they found the content useful and relevant and were motivated to act positively after using the app!

How do I access this tool? Download the Headversity app and use access code MCWNS2.

From Human Resources