What is Changing with Teams Chat: 

The Chat history in Microsoft Teams is gradually reducing to support proper records management, protecting the University’s information, and lowering the risk of incidents or harm caused by information being kept forever. The gradual reduction will balance information accessibility and data protection. 

Where is the change happening? 

Content within the Chat portion of Microsoft Teams:  

  • person-to-person chats 
  • group chats 
  • Teams meeting (scheduled or ad-hoc)  

Note: the chat content in the Channels of a Team is not within this project’s scope.

When will this change happen? 

  • October 1: Chat content will be reduced to 180 days  
  • November 1: Chat content will be reduced to 90 days  
  • December 1: Chat content will be reduced to 60 days  
  • January 1, 2024: Chat content will be reduced to 30 days and will maintain at 30 days going forward 

Who does it impact: 

You! All MacEwan University faculty and staff who use Microsoft Teams Chat, including people outside MacEwan University that you use the application to chat with.  

What Changes Do I Need to Adopt? 

Two training sessions are being held to help transition users with the new Teams Chat Retention policy to understand the change, extract chat information, create Teams and Channels, and address any questions you may have.  

Please feel free to forward this request to anyone interested in learning.  

From the Information and Privacy Office