Familiarize yourself with weather terms so that when a potential emergency strikes, you know how to react.


Severe weather has not yet developed, but conditions are such that it might. There is no need to act but monitor the situation and be prepared to react if conditions worsen.


Severe weather has been observed or is highly probable. Listen to instructions provided by alert systems and seek shelter immediately.


Take shelter in a building you’re already in or near rather than going home or to another location. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Listen to public address instructions and stay calm.
  2. Seek shelter in the nearest building. Do not lock doors in case others need to seek shelter.
  3. Go to the lowest level, interior room, or hallway. Do not use elevators.
  4. Avoid areas with wide-span roofs like auditoriums or gyms.
  5. Stay away from windows and falling objects.
  6. Remain in place until the “all clear” announcement is given.

From the Office of Emergency Management

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