Red Dress Day is an annual day of awareness inspired by an event held by the REDress Project in memory of the lives of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls across Canada. Indigenous women and girls in Canada are targeted for violence more than any other group. They are 12 times more likely to go missing or be killed. In the last 30 years, approximately 4,000 or more Indigenous women and girls have been murdered or are missing. That is about 133 per year or 3 per week.
On May 5, kihêw waciston will honour MMIWG2S through a red dress installation placed in various locations across campus. We invite you to stop at each site and learn more about the significance of Red Dress Day and reflect on the issues still affecting so many to this day.
We have compiled a list of resources should you wish to learn more.
From kihêw waciston
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