This annual interdisciplinary celebration of a work of Canadian literature reaches into classrooms across the university. Students and faculty members explore a piece of contemporary Canadian literature through workshops, author readings, a Wall of Fame reception, a student contest and more. Events typically include opportunities for students to engage with the author, including classroom visits.

Since its inception in 1997, the Book of the Year program has been guided by a committee of faculty, staff and students. The book is chosen by the committee, from nominations made by the university community.

Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch By Rivka Galchen is this years’ book. Rivka will be completing a book sighing on March 24, 2023 from 5-6:30 p.m. This book signing is open to faculty members that have integrated the novel into their term, or staff that have a passion for literature.

Make sure to RSVP here.

From the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs