An active threat is any situation that may escalate to violence or injury. These incidents can be unpredictable and may evolve very quickly, so it’s important to know in advance how to respond.
Active threat: Know how to respond
GET OUT: Your best defense is to leave the area, so it is important to plan for such an incident. Know your area and how to quickly access an escape path.
HIDE: If you cannot get out, you need to hide or find a place to stay out of sight. If possible, barricade yourself in this place until the police come and get you. Do not let anyone in and stay out of the line of fire.
FIGHT: As a last resort, if you cannot get out or hide, you may have to fight. You have to stop the threat and act in an aggressive manner as quickly as possible to stop that person from harming you.
For additional information on how to respond to an Active Threat, visit
We also encourage you to watch the Shooter on Campus: Know You Can Survive video.
On alert: Public safety threat around campus
On occasion, police activity and/or incidents on and around campus may result in the campus being declared on alert.
This means that all movement into and out of the campus building(s) is restricted: exterior doors are locked to prevent entry, people inside the building must remain in place, and exterior facing windows should be covered, if possible. Otherwise, normal operations may continue inside the building.
When your building is declared on alert:
- Do not leave the area that you are in.
- Remain calm.
- Await further instructions from MacEwan Alert or emergency responders.
- Do not leave until an “all clear” is given.
From the Office of Emergency Management
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