Transferring materials from one mêskanâs course to another sounds simple enough—and it is—but only if you go about it the right way. The right way to go about moving content depends on what you are trying to move, how much you want to move and if there is content in the destination course that you want to preserve.

If you want to move a quiz, there is a specific process that must be followed for best results. Conceptually, you need to remember that you are not actually moving a quiz, per se. You are moving a question bank, and then you will need to create and populate a new quiz in the destination course. There are some potential shortcuts to this process, but those shortcuts usually eventually lead to bloated and unusable question banks. Learn to do it the right way! If you want to transfer parts of a course other than quizzes, use the Import function. Go to the destination course and then “reach back” to the source course, choose the items you want to bring over, and transfer them.

Creating a backup of a course allows you to archive it and/or to transfer it wholesale to a different course. If you want an archive, download the resulting file to your computer. If you want to reuse that course immediately, go to the destination course, and use the Restore function.

There are PDF and video tutorials for these processes at the paskwâwi-mostos mêskanâs Resources page.

From the Centre for Teaching and Learning