I am writing to provide an update on the university’s COVID-19 guidelines.

As we have throughout the pandemic, we continue to respond to changing circumstances and guidance from government and public health agencies.

Now that the City of Edmonton has made the decision to repeal its masking bylaw throughout our municipality, and with many public-sector entities rescinding their own mask mandates, wearing masks on our campus will no longer be mandatory. We still strongly recommend that you continue to wear masks in high-traffic areas or in other areas where you are in close proximity to others. We also ask that you join us in respecting the choices of students and your fellow employees regarding masking.

The vast majority of our campus community has met the requirements of our vaccine mandate. As such, there will no longer be a requirement for students, employees or visitors to campus to provide proof of vaccination status or rapid test results.

The above changes regarding masking and vaccine requirements are effective March 14, 2022.

We are very grateful to those who became fully immunized and continue to recommend immunization as the best way of protecting ourselves, our students and our colleagues. We thank you for continuing to do your part to keep our community safe and healthy, and urge you to stay home if you are feeling unwell or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.

Change has been a constant during this pandemic and can be stressful. I ask that you continue to treat one another with kindness and respect as we adjust to these newest changes and continue to transition to working on campus. Your continued dedication to our students and to each other throughout the pandemic has been appreciated and valued.

As always, please continue to check your email and the university website for updates related to the university’s response to COVID-19.

Dr. Annette Trimbee
President and Vice-Chancellor

Originally distributed by GlobalMail on March 9