On November 6, 1993, a special time capsule was unveiled to commemorate the grand opening of the new City Centre Campus. This gift from the students’ association included contributions from faculty, staff and students from across campus, and was sealed with the promise to be opened in MacEwan’s 50th year – one that was eagerly kept.
On November 30, Dr. Annette Trimbee, president and vice-chancellor, and Myles Dykestra, SAMU president, unveiled two new exhibits beside the original time capsule (located across from Starbucks). Additional displays will be added across campus in the new year. You can also see some of the items from the time capsule in our online photo gallery.
Help build the new time capsule! Share your ideas on what should be included in the time capsule that will be sealed in the Spring of 2022, to be opened in 2071, our 100th year.
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