Have you heard that our August programming is now available? If not, we want to let you know about these two upcoming workshops:
Hybridizing Your Course Workshop (starting Aug. 23)
You survived the pivot online, and now you’re facing the shift to hybrid! It may sound complicated, but hybrid learning doesn’t have to be. In this two-part workshop series, we’ll look at some of the key research around hybrid learning, various models of hybrid learning, discuss how to structure your course to avoid some common hybrid learning pitfalls, and talk about how to make decisions about what parts of your course are more likely to be successfully delivered online versus face-to-face. We’ll also discuss how to increase the flexibility in your course, so that if we have to pivot back online, you’ll be more prepared this time.
Monday, August 23 and Wednesday, August 25 (10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
Instructional Skills Workshop (starting Aug. 30)
The Instructional Skills Workshops is a four-day workshop from Monday, August 30 to Thursday, September 2 that provides participants with an opportunity to experiment with alternative instructional methodologies and receive feedback in a safe environment from your peers. The time commitment is from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. If you would like to register for one of the workshops or request more information, please email teaching@macewan.ca.
From the Centre for Teaching and Learning Services
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