On Thursday, June 10, Phase 2 of the provincial government’s “Open for Summer” plan, will take effect. Several changes to university operations will be made as a result of the announcement:

    • The university will open access to all campus buildings starting on June 10, with regular spring/summer hours in effect.
  • The delivery of spring and summer term courses will continue as scheduled. Students who have any questions about their Spring or Summer courses should contact their instructor.
  • The provincial work-from-home order is lifted but still recommended. Plans are being developed for employees to safely return to campus for the fall term. More information about returning to work will be released over the coming weeks.
  • Other changes in this phase of the plan include relaxing of restrictions for gyms and other indoor fitness facilities. Please see the websites of individual areas, including MacEwan Sport and Wellness, for details.

The university continues to evaluate the announcement and how the easing of restrictions will impact our operations. Updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

Originally sent via GlobalMail on June 9