This week, learn how to use SafeAssign for student assignments on Blackboard along with other strategies for tracking your students’ needs and assessing their engagement.
How does SafeAssign work?
SafeAssign has been enabled on Blackboard as a tool to ensure academic integrity. This tool compares submitted assignments against a set of academic papers to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works.
To learn more, please see:
If you would like to enable SafeAssign, a statement needs to be included in your Course Outline. For information, contact Paul Sopcak, Coordinator, Student Conduct, Community Standards and Values.
Read more on how SafeAssign works.
How to track progress and adapt to students’ needs using the access data in Blackboard, Collaborate, and Kaltura
This tutorial looks at how to check aggregate data on student user access and activity in Blackboard, Collaborate, and Kaltura.
How to gauge students’ engagement with short, anonymous surveys
This tutorial looks at how to create short surveys to gauge student engagement and how to deploy them in your class, for example, as a midterm checkpoint, for nongraded, anonymous feedback.
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