The Fees & Financial Aid team needs your help recognizing MacEwan’s exceptional students who stand out for their leadership, community involvement and courage in overcoming adversity! We invite all MacEwan staff and faculty to participate in the excitement of award selections. You can get involved in this exciting and rewarding way to support our students!

Award selection packages will be shared with participants via SharePoint. You will review the packages independently over two weeks, record your rankings and inform the Fees & Financial Aid team when your selections are complete. Wherever possible, rubrics and guidelines have been created to ensure that evaluating applications is as straightforward as possible. The Fees & Financial Aid team is available to assist you throughout this process.

The time commitment is expected to range from two to eight hours; however, this varies based on each participant’s availability. We expect selections to take place from the beginning of March and onwards. If you are interested in being part of award selections this term, please complete this form.

If you have any questions, get in touch with Sana Malik ( or

From Fees & Financial Aid