Monday, January 6 drop-in session

To assist faculty for specific concerns and questions regarding their courses in mêskanâs, the Centre for Teaching and Learning is hosting our day-long, drop-in session (9 a.m.–3 p.m.) on Monday, January 6 in Room 7-202C.

Faculty are welcome to drop by. Centre for Teaching and Learning and ITS members will be available to answer your questions.

To help with your preparation for the Winter session, our start-of-term checklist is also available to help you get your courses ready for the upcoming term.

No registration is required.

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mêskanâs Essentials: One-stop sessions

Wednesday, January 8 – please register:

These sessions are highly flexible and responsive to your teaching needs. More information on the sessions can be found in our Program Calendar.

From the Centre for Teaching and Learning