Mitchell Art Gallery is excited to invite students, staff and faculty to Art Buffet, our weekly drop-in sessions of creativity and care! Every Wednesday, come find us in front of the MAG doors in the Allard Hall Main Atrium, from 12 to 4 p.m.

Art Buffet is Mitchell Art Gallery’s own “art hive,” a space to gather and create while relaxing and boosting your mental well-being. We provide free art materials and an inclusive space for students to sit back, relax, and create with no pressures or expectations. No experience necessary!

This year, Art Buffet has a brand new look designed by Forrester Towes, a 3rd year Bachelor of Design student at MacEwan! Keep an eye out for the new posters across campus.

Join us and share in dialogue, art-making, and skill-sharing between people of different backgrounds, ages, cultures, and abilities. A buffet of art materials awaits!

From the Mitchell Art Gallery