Pedagogical Inquiry and Practice (PIP) is a new Canadian, peer-reviewed journal of scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL).

We are pleased to introduce our 2024/25 editorial board for Pedagogical Inquiry and Practice:

Sharon Bratt
Associate Dean
Centre for Teaching and Learning

Dana Chamot
Office of Research Services

Leslie Dawson
Department of Anthropology, Economics, and Political Science
Faculty of Arts and Science

Kealey Dube
School of Social Work
Faculty of Health and Community Studies

Lois Edge
Indigenous Education, Credit Studies
School of Continuing Education

Susan Hesemeier
Department of English
Faculty of Arts and Science

Noah Kenneally
Department of Human Services and Early Learning
Faculty of Health and Community Studies

Tiffany Kriz
Department of Management and Organizations
School of Business

Jody Nelson

Fernanda dos Santos
Department of Professional Nursing and Allied Health
Faculty of Nursing

PIP is dedicated to studies of significant educational experience in post-secondary institutions, using a range of theoretical, methodological, and disciplinary approaches.

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