Would you be interested in helping to shape the future of teaching and learning scholarship?
Pedagogical Inquiry and Practice (PIP) is now accepting applications for peer reviewers. As a peer reviewer, you will provide an essential service that often is behind the scenes but essential to furthering the dissemination of relevant insight about teaching and learning in higher education.
For more information about our review process, please visit our website.
You may apply to serve as a reviewer by registering on the journal dashboard settings (on the top right) or sending us an email at pip@macewan.ca. (If you have any difficulties with registering on the website, please let us know right away!)
Indicate your reviewing interests. Identify four to six key words and phrases that apply to your reviewing expertise. We ask that you provide as much detail as possible so that we can match you with appropriate manuscripts. We ask that you indicate your familiarity with SoTL scholarship.
From the Centre for Teaching and Learning
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