Did you know that you can use your Access to Learning Funds for MacEwan’s Recreational Sport Leagues? Sport and Wellness is offering three lunch leagues (12-2 p.m.) and three evening leagues (6-9 p.m.).
Lunch leagues include:
- Tuesday doubles pickleball
- Wednesday doubles pickleball
- Wednesday doubles badminton
Evening leagues include:
- Wednesday doubles badminton
- Wednesday indoor volleyball
- Wednesday doubles pickleball
Here’s how to register with Access To Learning Funds:
- Login to MyMacEwan.ca
- Mouseover Forms & Procedures > Forms Cabinet
- Select Application for Access to University Learning Activities
- Complete the Google form and submit to Human Resources for approval (Courses must include the course code).
If you have any questions you can contact the Recreation Consultant Sandra Womack.
From Sport and Wellness
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