MacEwan’s cyber security team is releasing a second training course starting on January 25, 2024. We received feedback from the 2022 training that a single course was too long so we’ve split it into two parts. The first was launched in September 2023 and focused on phishing techniques and how to report suspicious emails. Part two emphasizes emerging methods used by cyber threat actors with a focus on privacy.
The training program is flexible, allowing participants to progress at their own pace within a 60-day timeframe.
Who should participate?
This training is mandatory for anyone with a designated MacEwan user account (full-time, part-time, tenured and sessional faculty, staff, contractors, etc). We have a few shared accounts and we recommend anyone using one of them also take the training. We will be looking into eliminating shared accounts as a future enhancement to our cyber security practices.
Learn more and get started
To begin the training, go to and locate the banner for IT Security Awareness training on the main page (you may need to scroll down – see below for an example). For more information, visit
We appreciate your support in protecting MacEwan from cyber threats and ensuring a secure online environment.
From Information Security and Compliance
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