We will be running the Indigenous Canada Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) companion Discussion Group again starting on January 18. The discussion group will facilitate your experience through the Indigenous Canada MOOC (accessible online at coursera.org). You will go through the MOOC content on your own and come together as a group every week to discuss, listen and learn. We welcome everyone of all backgrounds and will strive to create a safe and supportive environment for learning. In order to build a space of trust and understanding, we encourage you only to sign up if you are able to make a commitment to attend most of the weekly meetings.
This first meeting on January 18 will cover introductions and guiding principles, and we will meet every Thursday for the following 6 weeks. You can vote on a time that works for you on Thursdays in the registration form. Meetings will be co-facilitated by Caroline Foster-Boucher from the Faculty of Nursing, Sam Spady from the Centre for Teaching and Learning and Syndey Bremner from kihêw waciston.
If you have any questions, please contact Sam Spady (spadys4@macewan.ca).
From the Centre for Teaching and Learning
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