I am pleased to announce that Karen Keiller has been appointed for a second term as dean, Library. Her new term will begin immediately and will last until 2030.
We are fortunate to have a dean who has earned the respect of the campus community to guide our library in pursuit of the strategic directions of Teaching Greatness. Dean Keiller has been a dynamic leader in libraries across Canada for more than 15 years, and she demonstrated over her first term at MacEwan how an understanding of emerging technologies and experience in teaching and learning connects our library with all that our vision seeks to do.
Prior to her initial appointment at MacEwan University in 2019, Keiller was the University Librarian and Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning) at Lakehead University, Director of Information Services and Systems at the University of New Brunswick (Saint John) and held positions at the University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg and Red River College. She holds an M.L.I.S. from Western University in London, Ontario, and B.A. (Hons) from the University of Winnipeg.
In her time at the John L. Haar Library, Keiller has remained dedicated to building a positive atmosphere, advocating for openness and finding creative and innovative solutions to problems. Her work has ensured that the MacEwan Library is regarded for its creative, collaborative approaches and solutions to providing a transformative education.
Dr. Craig Monk
Provost & Vice-President, Academic
Originally distributed by GlobalMail on October 3
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