Everyone at MacEwan now has access to BrowZine, a platform that allows you to browse through most of the library’s scholarly journals published since 2005 in one easy-to-use interface. Try searching for the title of your favourite journal or create a list of all the journals in a specific subject area.

You can even set up journal alerts to never miss a new issue again. BrowZine will also allow you to:

  • Sign up for a free account to personalize your experience (not required for basic use)
  • Search for journals by title, subject or ISSN
  • Save articles and organize them in lists (referred to as “shelves” in a “bookcase”)
  • Download and view articles in PDF
  • Export articles to EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero and more
  • Switch between universities if you’re affiliated with more than one
  • Find an article if the only piece of information you have is its DOI at https://libkey.io/
  • Share links to specific articles using email or social media platforms
  • Download an app for even easier access

BrowZine is updated daily and includes access to some articles in press.

To try out BrowZine, download the app from your app store or access it through the library website. Questions may be directed to Roxy Garstad at garstadr@macewan.ca. Look for more information on our website, including videos, over the next few months.

From Libraries