May is Sexual Violence Awareness Month in Alberta.  An estimated 40 per cent of Albertans have experienced sexual violence in their lifetime, and most survivors disclose to people who they already know and trust. This means that we all undoubtedly know someone who has been impacted by sexual violence, and that we are likely to have someone reach out to us for support at some point in our lives.

During May, the Office of Sexual Violence Prevention, Education and Response is pleased to offer two opportunities for MacEwan employees to learn how to respond to disclosures of sexual violence. In these 90-minute workshops, participants will gain a better understanding of sexual violence and its impacts and learn practical strategies for responding to disclosures. We’ll discuss MacEwan’s Sexual Violence Policy, our responsibilities as MacEwan employees, and relevant campus and community supports and resources.

Workshop dates:

  • Tuesday May 9, 10 – 11:30 a.m. (In-Person)
  • Wednesday May 24, 1 – 2 p.m. (Online)

Please register via this Google Form, and don’t hesitate to contact with any questions or for additional information.

From the Office of Sexual Violence, Prevention, Education and Response