Since migrating MacEwan’s email protection services to Exchange Online Protection, some third-party bulk email services have had email messages flagged as spam.

This is resulting in delivery of messages from some third-party bulk email services (such as Mail Chimp, Campaigner, and Constant Contact) to Junk email folders.

MacEwan IT has been working with departments and programs to configure our email systems to successfully deliver mail from supported third-party bulk email services.

Using a third-party bulk email service for newsletters or campaigns is recommended due to limitations in Outlook. Sending an email to more than 50 recipients directly from Outlook, without the support of a third-party service, may not be successful.

If your department or program is utilizing a third-party bulk email service and have not yet worked with IT to perform verification of our email domain, please contact Technology Support through the MacEwan Help Centre for assistance.

The Eloqua cloud marketing service is the supported bulk email service used at MacEwan. Messages delivered through this service are successfully delivered to inboxes with the MacEwan brand.

If you have a bulk email message to send internally or externally, the content of the message needs to be reviewed by the Office of Communications and Marketing prior to sending the message. This is important to ensure bulk email messages from a MacEwan email address maintain the MacEwan brand along with appropriate messaging.

For bulk email services, please contact Technology Support through the MacEwan Help Centre to get started on coordinating the delivery of your message through Eloqua.

From ITS