As we enter summer and the potential for extremely hot weather, let’s look out for one another. If you see someone in medical distress due to hot weather, call 9-1-1.

To avoid heat-related illnesses please:

  • Stay hydrated – drink plenty of cool liquids before you feel thirsty
  • * Spend your time in a shaded, cool place
  • Use fans, water and ice to keep you cool
  • Avoid sun exposure
  • Wear light clothing that allows sweat to evaporate quickly
  • Take the breaks you need to keep cool and hydrated
  • Eat smaller but more frequent meals or snacks during the day

When does Environment Canada issue a heat warning?

When two or more consecutive days of daytime maximum temperatures are expected to reach 29°C or warmer and nighttime minimum temperatures are expected to fall to 14°C or warmer.

More resources:

From the Office of Emergency Management
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