Unlike Blackboard Learn, course shells will not automatically appear in mêskanâs. Faculty can use the Faculty Centre self-service application to create and manage courses, including course sections faculty will use with students. Students will be added to courses that have been scheduled in PeopleSoft 90 days before the start of class.
Access the Faculty Centre by logging into mêskanâs and following the link on the “Manage your courses” block, located on the top right of the dashboard. The Faculty Centre can also be accessed directly at: https://webapps.macewan.ca/facultycentre/
Instructions for using the Faculty Centre are available as a video or PDF tutorial.
Please review the mêskanâs resources and register for one of our workshops. The Centre for Teaching and Learning is also offering drop-in sessions in lab 6-283 on Monday mornings from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Tuesday afternoons from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. These drop-in sessions, scheduled from May 9 to June 14, will allow faculty to work on their mêskanâs courses and have someone available to answer their questions.
Contact DLE@macewan.ca if you have any questions.
From the Centre for Teaching and Learning
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