On February 24, 2022, Russian president Vladimir Putin declared war on the sovereign country of Ukraine. This event changed our world significantly. To help anyone affected by the war in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre invites MacEwan faculty, staff and students to an in-person, casual drop-in session to come together in conversation, support, and healing. Everyone is welcome.
This is an informal and casual gathering without a presentation or set program. Rather, we aim to provide a safe and welcoming space for connection and reflection. We will have tea and cookies, PAWSS Animal Therapy, and colouring pages available to bring comfort.
The first drop-in session will take place at 11-11:50 a.m. on Friday, March 11 in room 5-215. We encourage people to attend this event in person; however, we have set up an open Zoom meeting for anyone who cannot join us on campus. You can access the Zoom meeting here.
Registration not required.
Please contact Larisa Hayduk haydukl@macewan.ca or Kalyna Somchynsky somchynskyk@macewan.ca with questions.
From the Ukrainian Resource and Development Centre
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