Mental Health Week this year is January 24-28! Take some time this week to learn about mental health, join online events and reflect on how we all can create a supportive campus community.

Staff, faculty and students are invited to join us for the Wellness During and After COVID workshop with Dr. Andrew Howell to kick off Mental Health Week, enjoy a Mindfulness Moment with registered psychologist Julia Russell or attend one of the week’s other events.

Students can spend time learning more about mental health and how to support themselves and others with The Inquiring Mind workshop, participate in The Colour Factor’s Decolonializing Wellness workshop, sign up for Naloxone training and more.

But this week isn’t just for students staff and faculty will want to explore the Identifying and Assisting Students in Distress workshop, learn about mental health and how to create a supportive work environment with The Working Mind workshop, or spend some time with Dr. Paul Sopcak to learn about Restorative Practices in the Classroom, plus more.

Be sure to check out all the events!

From Wellness and Psychological Services