We’re thrilled to announce the kickoff of MacEwan University’s United Way Fall 2021 campaign. The campaign runs from October 18 through November 5. The themes for this special 50th Anniversary year are Community Matters, Giving Matters, and Learning Matters.
During the month of September, the United Way Committee focused efforts on events to encourage community engagement, such as an outdoor movie night and a downtown Scavenger Hunt. Thanks to everyone who participated with us. We have additional activities planned for later in the year.
Recently, Dr. Trimbee took the time to speak to students at Eastglen high school in support of the All in for Youth program which supports youth on their educational journey. The program is focused on increasing high school completion rates, supporting student success, and encouraging youth from different backgrounds to consider post-secondary education. Dr. Trimbee announced the Dare to Dream bursary, which was designed to inspire and support a student who was involved in the All in for Youth program to attend MacEwan.
“Every day I see and hear about MacEwan faculty and students who are building solutions to help our community,” said Dr. Trimbee. “In our 50th year it is more evident than ever that we are a university focused on our community and our support of the All in for Youth program is just one example of that. Post-secondary education opens possibilities and there is a place at MacEwan for all who want to reach their potential.”
During the campaign, you can show your support in many ways:
- Giving Matters: Donate in dollar increments at the m store and select food services on campus. All proceeds go to support the new United Way at MacEwan Dare to Dream Student Bursary! In addition to giving in person on campus, two direct links have been created for donating to this new bursary. For a one-time gift, please use Give.MacEwan.ca/DareToDreamOne-Time or for a recurring gift please use Give.MacEwan.ca/DareToDreamRecurring.
- Learning Matters: Attend a virtual presentation November 2, 2021 from 12-1 p.m. hosted by the United Way Capital Region, Mental Health and Community Wellness, focused on the importance of mental health for all members of the community. Register for the webinar here.
- Learning Matters: Join Annelise and Helena, counsellors at Wellness and Psychological Services, for a webinar on Taming Your Inner Critic on November 4 from 12-1 p.m. Register online through MacEwan Life.
- Giving Matters: Make a financial donation as part of our online pledge drive. Please watch your inbox for contribution information.
- Community Matters/Learning Matters: Volunteer to become a member of the United Way Committee and/or share your talents and time in the form of a presentation that highlights one of our strategic goals: Student Mental Health, Community Engagement, and Financial Literacy.
We encourage you to watch for additional events throughout the year and to contribute to the good work done by the United Way to support our current and future students. Activities are available to staff, students and faculty. Our events are free for students, and pay-by-donation for staff and faculty. For more information and to register visit MacEwan.ca/UnitedWay
Thank you,
Myrna Khan
Vice-President, University Relations
Executive Sponsor
Joanne Minaker
Chair, United Way Committee
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